A Polite Troublemaker

"Director, if anything happens to this child, are you capable of taking the responsibility?"

Pei Yunge asked slowly.

In the entire venue, only Pei Yunge dared to say this.

Beside her, Qin Yu looked over and said, "Director, send her away."

Seeing that Qin Yu had said so, the production team had no choice but to agree.

At this moment.

The manager mother beside her hurriedly said, "She's fine. She'll be fine after some rest."

This was such a good opportunity to gain exposure on the show.

If Lilah left at this time, wouldn't she miss a huge sum of money?!

Some people in the production team were already frowning unconsciously.

Although many adorable children's mothers would send their children into the entertainment industry, this was the most ruthless person they had ever seen.

"Mom, I'm so tired."

At this moment, Lilah, who was wearing a camouflage uniform, was already crying.