His Granddaughter, Who Knows Nothing, Is Y.G.?

Hearing this, Pei Yunge's eyebrows moved.

She looked at Yu Ling for a while. "This is the first time I've met someone as ungrateful as you."

Instantly, the atmosphere was silent and awkward to the extreme.

Yu Ling was speechless.

The foreign man was speechless.

Shang Yan suppressed his smile. His gentle eyes was too charming.

He could see that Pei Yunge was not mocking Yu Ling on purpose. She really thought so.

This made Yu Ling speechless for a moment.

"Is Miss very prejudiced against me?"

Yu Ling forced a smile.

"Not really. I don't like others being an eyesore in front of me."

Pei Yunge glanced at her and asked Shang Yan, "Are you leaving?"

Seeing this, Yu Ling still stood in front of Pei Yunge, not wanting her to leave. There was a smile on her face.

"Miss, actually, I want to be friends with you."

Pei Yunge licked her lips and laughed, her eyes turning cold.