Only A Fool Like Fu Yanbai

Why was Song Yao so lucky?

She was clearly not the Elder Young Miss of the Song family anymore. Why was she still the center of attention in everyone's eyes? What kind of connections could she have?!

Yu Ling was even more jealous and the darkness in her eyes could not be hidden.

She didn't want Song Yao to win against Xu Xianing.

The moment this thought appeared, Yu Ling pursed her lips and suddenly touched the screen, trying to change Song Yao's team's answers.

"What are you doing?!"

The sudden voice made Yu Ling's hand shrink instinctively. She turned around and saw Titch's cold expression.

"I… I want to see this question."

Yu Ling's heart raced and she didn't dare to look into Titch's eyes.

Seeing Yu Ling's strange appearance, Titch only frowned and glanced at the screen.

The questions of Song Yao and Xu Xianing's competition appeared.