D-Rank in a Year


Pei Yunge's eyebrows moved unconsciously. "I haven't completed my project."

Besides, she was not interested in war zones.

Si Chengyan was speechless.

At a time like this, this fellow was still thinking about her project.

Si Chengyan took a deep breath. "Who asked you to fail the psychological evaluation?"

Pei Yunge was speechless.

What did failing psychological evaluation have to do with letting her go to the war zone?

"I'm not going."

Pei Yunge rejected him without hesitation.

Si Chengyan's gaze was thought-provoking. "According to A.M.'s rules, all official members have to teach interns…"

Pei Yunge was speechless.


In R Nation.

Qin Youjiao had just gotten off the plane and did not go to the nearby hotel as Mr and Mrs Qin had said.

Instead, she got into a limousine that had been waiting for a long time and went to a luxurious manor.