She's My Patient?

"Tell me, how do you know her?"

Captain Gao asked Hui.

Hui was about to say something, but was afraid of offending Pei Yunge.

After all, after seeing Pei Yunge play with guns last time, he already had a trauma towards this Elder Young Miss.

"We… met when I was accompanying Captain Ji on a mission."

Hui felt a little guilty. "The Ji family seems to have a good relationship with Miss Pei's family."

Hearing this, Captain Gao also roughly understood what was going on.

Ji Yiqing was also a famous big shot in the district.

Everyone knew that Ji Yiqing's Ji was also referring to the Ji family that had been a noble family for generations.

The Ji family was also a famous family in the high society. It was normal for them to know some rich young lady.

Captain Gao glanced at Pei Yunge and his tone was indifferent. "I'll get someone to prepare your clothes tomorrow. From tomorrow onwards, you have to follow the rules we have here."