
White Bear was stunned for a moment before he said, "No."

Pei Yunge's eyes darkened and she looked down, but her typing speed increased.

She said slowly, "Then wait a minute."

"Miss Pei, what are you doing?"

White Bear stopped in his tracks and could not help asking.

At this moment.

Dai Dan and the rest also met Pei Yunge and heard a little of their conversation just now.

"Miss Pei, if there's nothing else, please stay away."

Dai Dan gritted her teeth and could not help saying in one breath, "Do you have to make more of us die??"

Pei Yunge did not answer and was still typing on the keyboard.

White Bear was too tall and Dai Dan could not see what Pei Yunge was doing.

She could not help sneering. "Or does Miss Pei think that she has a solution?"

"This isn't child's play. I hope that even if you are being unreasonable, there must be a limit…"