
"Where's the suppressant?"

Pei Yunge asked.

Hearing this, Chu Zhixing handed the other two boxes of suppressants to Pei Yunge.

Pei Yunge glanced at one of the boxes that had not been opened and glanced at the syringe in her hand. "Did you inject it on time during this period?"

"Steven said that my condition has improved a lot and I can reduce the number of injections."

Pei Yunge nodded. "I'll bring this back for investigation first."

"What's wrong?" Chu Zhixing looked at her.

Pei Yunge licked her lips and gave a faint smile. "I want to see who is so daring to seek death."

Suddenly, Chu Zhixing and Lu Yuansi understood what was going on.

Pei Yunge was suspecting that someone had deliberately made Chu Zhixing's illness act up on the spot.

"But back then, there were no outsiders in my family."