Our Y.G. Is Sitting in Yun University's Office Gnawing on Chicken Claws

The words 'Pei Yunge 'had also become a trauma in the lives of everyone in the Junior Class.

This person had caused their first ever defeat in life.

All along, they had dominated their peers and even their teachers. They thought that they were extremely intelligent and were true geniuses.

But who would have thought that a 14-year-old girl who had just transferred over would be able to undermine everyone's intelligence within a week.

The crowd even began to doubt whether they were geniuses or not.

Could it be that they had been immersed in the wrong perception for the past decade?

After suffering a blow, in order to catch up with Pei Yunge, everyone in the class pulled all-nighters.

However, when they graduated, Pei Yunge won the highest honor award in the Mathematics world, while they struggled to get first place in the International Youth Competition.