Crawl Out or Scram?

Feng Jianwen's vision went dark for a moment and he almost fell forward.

When the crowd saw that, they all gasped.

Who was so bold?

How dare this person lay a hand on Feng Jianwen!?

This was Dean Feng's son!


Everyone turned around and saw Pei Yunge.

Pei Yunge placed the bottle of mineral water on the table. Her overly beautiful eyes were relaxed, but it somehow seemed cold.

"You like causing trouble for yourself so much?"

Pei Yunge gave a faint smile, but the coldness in her eyes was terrifying.

Feng Jianwen didn't plan to tolerate being hit once.

"Pei Yunge, you dare to hit me?"

Feng Jianwen's words seemed to be squeezed out from the gaps between his teeth. It was so eerie and scary.

This person was really despicable.

Just as Yu Ling had said, relying on connections was a bold move.

But this time.