Public Humiliation

Caitlyn suddenly realized that this professor did not like people from Country A.

In his class, the exchange students were often mocked and ostracized.

At this moment, a young man suddenly walked over from beside her.

He was panting. "Miss Caitlyn, I heard that Nock and the rest were looking for you. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Caitlyn said calmly.

It was only then that the young man realized that there was someone beside Caitlyn. "This is…"

"She's sitting with me. Find a seat anywhere."

With that said, Caitlyn looked at the professor on stage.

The young man was silent for a moment before he glanced at Pei Yunge and walked to the back row.


"I thought that there wouldn't be any students from Country A in my class. I didn't expect myself to be so popular."

The professor on stage glanced at the three to four people from Country A.