As Expected Of A Big Boss

This girl looked young, but did she really know the questions that no one in the class knew how to do?

She had better not embarrass herself…


Just as everyone was thinking, Pei Yunge only glanced at the slides and slowly wrote down two answers—



Below the stage.

Caitlyn's eyes flashed and she glanced at the first question she had just done when she was still short of the last step.

After she finished calculating, it happened to be the answer Pei Yunge had written on the blackboard.

However, when Pei Yunge sat beside her just now, she did not even look at the questions. She was doing her own thing.

This made Caitlyn think that Pei Yunge was not from this specialization.

At the same time, Bresse's expression froze. He did not expect Pei Yunge to solve this question.

Besides, this looked like it was calculated mentally.

Even graduate students might not have such speed.