The Honest Big Boss Is Inciting Trouble

In less than six minutes, the matches ended.

The team members froze.

This was a sparring partner who bet 100,000 yuan each round?

Vic, who was the most disappointed, was still looking at the comments.

Y.G. had won in less than ten minutes?!

Soon, the other party said calmly, "Although this is an easy way for me to earn money, I hope you can be more serious and continue."

The team members were speechless.

Soon, the second team member started.

However, this time, the team member was clearly not as arrogant and perfunctory as before. He fought very seriously.

However, eight minutes later, he still lost…

So until now.

It was only then that the team members realized that their lives had been ruined not by Qin Lang, but by this sparring partner [Earn 100 million first]!!!

In the building of EG Corporation, Vic was about to kill someone.