The Big Shots Are Shocked By the Person Sitting In the Center of the First Row!

The more Huntington heard, the more he felt that this was outrageous. He furrowed his eyebrows tightly before walking over.

Tenya Yabuno said to the little girl, "Student, your methods are amazing. You can make my student drop out of school."

"It's a pity that the scientific research field can't tolerate someone with bad intentions like you. Do you want to walk out yourself, or do you want me to get the security officers to invite you out?"

If she was really chased out of the Farizk awards ceremony, this would be a stain in her future.

Not far away, Angel felt much better when he saw that Tenya Yabuno was also attacking Pei Yunge.

"You're so young. Since she doesn't want to give herself a way out, don't blame others for not giving her a way out!" Angel laughed coldly.

But who knew…