The Truth Is Revealed! I Want to See Y.G.'s Dad's True Appearance

[Tenya Yabunol: The strong prey on the weak. The Nanro family is at a disadvantage.]

This post was flooded with comments.

Everyone was wondering if the big shots were on Y.G.'s side because Y.G. had more power?

Tenya Yabuno was also being ambiguous, but it seemed like he had acknowledged what the netizens had said.


The internet was in an uproar.

[My heart aches. He's clearly the researcher we usually respect the most. Why is he helping the enemy?]

[Indeed, even in the academic field, anyone who has power is a Daddy. (Like)]

[Tsk, even immortals are vulgar ~]

[These people have contributed too much to human society, making some people bored. They even refuse to admit their mistakes all day long online. (smile)]



Soon, before the scandal could last long, A and R Nation's daily newspapers jointly posted a video.