Why Are You Toying With Older Brother's Feelings?

Inside the door.

Seeing the clothes she was wearing, Yu Manran turned around pitifully. "Master Pei, do you really have to treat me like this?"

Pei Yunge raised an eyebrow and comforted her with a smile.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Yu Manran was speechless.

You would be fine, but I might not be.

Yu Manran took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After lowering the brim of her cap, she pushed open the door and ran!

Pei Yunge waited in the lounge for about three minutes before she pushed the door open and left silently.

Outside the door, only the staff were left behind. Pei Yunge quickened her pace. After leaving the old castle, she walked towards a place with a high traffic flow.

However, she never thought that…

Ten minutes later, Pei Yunge felt that something was wrong.

In the blink of an eye, she saw the black car following her slowly.

Pei Yunge met a certain someone's eyes.