
"Do you know Si Chengyan?"

Ding Kuisheng could not help asking, and the rest of the people wanted to know this answer too.

However, Pei Yunge clearly did not want to say more to them. She only replied calmly, "Mm."

The rest of the people felt suffocated.

Although Professor Si Chengyan looked refined and gentle, he was actually very difficult to approach.

But Si Chengyan actually gave Pei Yunge chocolates?!

"Anlan, how's your relationship with Professor Si?" Someone asked softly.

Qu Anlan's expression did not look too good either as she pursed her lips. "It's alright."


Back then, Qu Anlan had also spent a lot of effort to build a good relationship with Si Chengyan. However, as she had thought, Si Chengyan was not someone easy to approach at all.

Just as everyone was paying attention to Pei Yunge, Qu Anlan suddenly saw a figure at the door.