The Big Boss' Arrangement, The Countdown To The Commotion


Everyone watched as Pei Yunge threw the mineral water bottle into the rubbish bin and left before they heaved a sigh of relief.

"It was too oppressive just now. It's my first time encountering such a scene…"

Someone regained their senses and muttered weakly as if all their energy had been sucked out.

The rest of the people did not speak, but they thought so too.

This Pei Yunge was really too scary!

Why would such a person volunteer?!



In the next few days, even Ding Kuisheng felt that the group of people in Yun University's laboratory avoided Pei Yunge like snakes and scorpions.

In the meeting, as long as Pei Yunge spoke, the rest of the people did not even dare to look up.

However, these two days, the planning of the conference was coming to an end.

"Professor Ding, this is the list of people who have been invited to the exhibition," Qu Anlan said with a smile.