Voter: Y.G. Explode!

Pei Yunge just stared at him, not quite understanding what he meant.

Ding Kuisheng was speechless.

Good fellow, it seemed like this person really invited Zhong Shenglin and the rest to make up the numbers.

"I don't know anyone else either. You have no choice," Pei Yunge said slowly.

Ding Kuisheng was speechless.

Hearing this person speak, he really wanted to crack.

Fortunately, the exhibition was about to start.

Ding Kuisheng stood on stage as if he had just woken up from a dream. However, when he saw the people in the first row, his legs still turned weak.

What kind of monster was Pei Yunge? She had a row of top researchers supporting her?!

Hearing this, the rest of the people present were not any better.

They had originally heard that Y.G. would be attending the exhibition. Although they knew that this possibility was very small, they still wanted to try their luck.