No matter How Good Older Brother Is, He Can't Be Compared to Your Biological Brother

In the car.

Pei Yunge frowned and could not help grabbing her neck.

Qin Luyan looked down and saw from the corner of his eye that Pei Yunge's fair neck was flushed red. He immediately grabbed her hand.

"Is she having an allergy reaction?"

Qin Luyan furrowed his eyebrows. He remembered that Mrs Qin had a sensitive body, but this had never happened to him and Qin Yu.

Then, Qin Luyan bent down and touched Pei Yunge's forehead with his forehead, realizing that Pei Yunge's fever was no longer normal.

Her forehead was terrifyingly hot.

However, Pei Yunge did not show it in the conference room just now. She did not say anything after that.

"President Qin, you'd better not be so close to Miss. What if Miss is infectious…" Assistant Wu frowned.

Qin Luyan glanced at him coldly. "You can find someone to hand over your work in two days."

"President Qin?" Assistant Wu froze in disbelief.