Everyone Is Secretly Getting the Big Boss In Through the Back Door

The rest of the people's jaws dropped because of this scene!

What was going on?!

Could it be that Pei Yunge knew Captain Bai?!

The person who was hit just now froze, not daring to think too much about this.

"I'm here for the special training," Pei Yunge clarified.

"Do you still need special training?"

White Bear was in disbelief, but a moment later, he suddenly remembered something. "Wait a minute, were you the one who hacked the system last night?"

Pei Yunge hummed.

White Bear was speechless.

He should have thought that apart from this ancestor, who would dare to hack the system in the district for no reason?


Someone beside him coughed and reminded White Bear of the serious matter. "Captain Bai…"

White Bear also remembered. "Why did you hit him?"

"I wanted to teach him how to speak," Pei Yunge said calmly.

White Bear, who knew Pei Yunge's temper, roughly knew the reason.