Crazy Humiliation And Sister Yao Scolding Someone

Since when was Pei Yunge related to A.M.?

As the top computing institute in the country, the A.M. Computing Institute had extremely high requirements for its members!

Pei Yunge was only a high school student!

How was this possible?!

Pei Yunge also gave Si Chengyan an intriguing look.

Si Chengyan was speechless.

Was this girl even human?

He was protecting her here and she was even threatening him?

"It's not rare for our Old Master to like Student Pei and make an exception to recruit her in the future."

Si Chengyan said slowly, "Oh right, everyone should know that our A.M. Computing Institute has always had a recommendation spot for universities."

Instantly, everyone remembered!

The A.M. Computing Institute was the top computing institute in the country. If they signed a contract with Yun Cheng University, they could guarantee that a student could enter Yun University's computing department to study every year!