Humiliating Someone in the Examination Hall and Master Pei Teaching Someone A Lesson

The seats in Yizhong's examination hall had always been arranged according to results.

In this joint examination of the nine schools, apart from the students of other schools, there was not much difference in the order of everyone's seats.

Therefore, when Pei Yunge suddenly appeared in the second last examination hall, everyone's eyes darkened.

"The exam is almost starting. Is there anyone who hasn't sat down?"

The teacher from Yizhong High School had just entered when he glanced at Pei Yunge indifferently.

Pei Yunge did not pay much attention to it. After sitting down, she took off her scarf skillfully, folded it into a square and slept on it.

The teacher's face twitched.

"Start distributing the papers."

After the teacher passed down the paper, his tone was filled with faint ridicule. "This is Yizhong. We don't want random students to bring bad influences to our Yizhong!"