Why Did You Take So Long to Look For Me? Irritable Master Pei

He was struggling with all his might as he grabbed the rope around his neck.

Behind Pei Yunge.

Hanging in front of the theater's projector, the atmosphere was oppressive, helpless, and despairing.


At this moment, Pei Yunge's eyes were bloodshot as she sat stiffly in the chair. In her mind were countless memories that had destroyed her.


Song Yao called Pei Yunge several times before she saw Pei Yunge look up instinctively.

However, this was also Song Yao's first time seeing Pei Yunge look like this.

She was empty, helpless, and there was a trace of cold wariness and hostility in her eyes.

It was as if she had been abandoned.

Song Yao pursed her lips and realized that the setting here was much more scary than hers just now.

"Yunge, it's all fake."

Song Yao's eyes were beautiful as she reached out to touch her head instinctively and coaxed her gently.