There Will Be Time When Master Du Is Inhumane

Pei Yunge was speechless.

Was this dream too dangerous?

"Brother, I…" Just as Pei Yunge was thinking hard, she suddenly heard a commotion at the door.

Pei Yunge looked towards the door instinctively.

Seeing that the little girl dared to be distracted in front of him, the usually casual man licked the tip of his teeth.

In the next second.

Pei Yunge had just turned around when she was suddenly pressed against the soft cushion.

The man's aggressive and strong scent surrounded her. When she looked up, her eyes met with the man's explicit and burning eyes…

This dream was too wild.

It was precisely because of this that Pei Yunge did not suspect that this was not a dream. If it was any other time, it was impossible for a man to do these things to her with his usual behavior.


Pei Yunge gasped.

The man bit her neck lightly.

It was ticklish and didn't hurt.