Master Pei Is Amazing and Master Pei Is Missing In Action

But not long after…

Pei Yunge happened to come back and saw this scene.

She slowly bit the candy on the tip of her tongue, but her feet did not stop walking towards Valerie. Her pretty eyes curled up slightly, but they were filled with ruthlessness.

In the next moment!

Pei Yunge's clean black leather boots stepped on Lai Yunheng's toes and the sound of a mirror shattering could be heard.

Lai Yunheng's expression was distorted and fierce. His painful howl made people's backs turn cold.

Everyone looked down.

They saw a playful smile on Pei Yunge's face. She was still in high spirits and looked casual, but there was glaring blood flowing from the bottom of her black leather boots.

The scene made people shiver.

Seeing this, Valerie was stunned and her voice was trembling. "T-Teacher…"

However, at this moment, no one noticed what Valerie was saying.