The Big Boss Receives and Coaxes the God of Fortune

Pei Yunge glanced at her watch and did not say anything else. Instead, the corners of her lips curled up with interest. "Colin, this coliseum belongs to Delani, right?"

Colin nodded. "Yes, Miss."

He immediately smiled. "If you like, I believe Mr Delani will be willing to give it to you."

Hearing this, the staff's smile froze and he suddenly had a bad feeling…


In the next second, Pei Yunge smirked. "Mr Colin, you don't have to be so polite. However, I do want to borrow this piece of land for a few days."

Colin could not help asking, "Why is Miss Pei suddenly interested in the coliseum?"

"I'm not too interested."

Pei Yunge laughed lazily. "I'm quite afraid that someone will chase me out."

"You must be joking. Although the people who have been arranged here these few days are from EG Corporation, if the people from EG Corporation really dare to chase you out, aren't they afraid that Mr Vic will pursue the matter?"