The Contemporary Female King Gu Is Seducing People Now!!!

"Miss Pei, don't worry. I'll agree on his behalf! There definitely won't be a problem!"

Brennan immediately patted his chest and guaranteed. He quickly covered Luo Xie's mouth when he wanted to say something. "If you're a brother, do me a favor. What's wrong?"

Luo Xie's expression did not look good.

After Qin Lang came out, he was arranged to be sent to the nearby hospital for treatment. Luo Xie was also rushed by Brennan to do a further examination for Qin Lang.

On the other hand, Pei Yunge went to a nearby hotel with Brennan. Within half an hour, all the equipment was ready.

"Miss Pei, do you want to change your clothes first?"

Brennan smiled, but he was rubbing his hands nervously.


Pei Yunge sent Huo Shidu the last location message.

"Is Miss Pei looking for someone to fetch you home? Actually, I can send you back!" Brennan was very enthusiastic.

"No need."