Another Scheme, Almighty Qin Appeared!

This was probably the worst competition that Team RS had ever lost.

"How are we going to continue watching? What's wrong with Team RS? They're changing two team members in a row?!"

"Yeah! Where did Almighty Qin go?"

"We want Almighty Qin! We want Almighty Qin!"

Team RS fans below the stage were furious and unhappy, but they did not know that Qin Lang had already been injured and hospitalized.

At this moment.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were filled with ridicule as he felt extremely happy!

He had finally ruthlessly stepped on these people from Team RS!

"This win is too boring. As long as we play another round, we'll win completely." Xiao Zhi's team started to hoot.

On the other hand, the team members on the other side were leaderless and started to panic.

After all…

They had tried training with no main team members in the past, but they never thought that there would really be no main team members…