Master Pei's Crazy Domination, Even the God of Billions Is Missing

"Friend above, you came late. Your God of Billions is already red-eyed from killing. The person on the other side is gone."

The livestream platform had special effects which gave special lables to the rich people who had given gifts.

Therefore, one of the IDs, [God of Billions Brother's Little Cutie], appeared in the public's eyes.

"Ahhhh, why is my God of Billions a girl?"

Everyone could almost hear the heartbreak of their female fans and could not help but want to laugh.

However, following that, the frustrated netizens in the live-stream started to bully the rich.

[Sister God of Billions's Little Cutie: Sorry God of Billions is too suave. I'll take over her ID.]

[Sister God of Billions's Little Cutie: Me too… (dog head)]

[Sister God of Billions's Little Cutie: Sobs, who isn't Sister God of Billions' little cutie?]

This competition had sent [Earn 100 million first] onto the trending topic both domestically and overseas!