Reversal And Humiliation, Master Pei Dominates the Situation!

Pei Yunge's eyes moved and she glanced at this computing mentor.


The mentor's smile froze and he looked at Su Zhihuan and the rest.

It was obvious that Pei Yunge looked the youngest in this team!

"It's really you?"

After the mentor asked, Wang Huiying's dark expression returned to normal.

Wang Huiying suddenly said, "Miss Pei is very capable. You should be the one who fixed the bugs in the third to ninth warzone, right?"

She continued, "But aren't you violating the competition rules by doing this? The other contestants can't go in to get points."

With that said…

Everyone's eyes were on Pei Yunge!

"She fixed the loophole?? No wonder there was no loophole at all!"

"Damn, she didn't even enter the third warzone?! This is too unfair! She fixed a loophole, how are we going to get points??"

"That's right! Teacher, she cheated!"

At the thought of Pei Yunge's points, everyone's mentality distorted!