Beat Up Wang Huiying, Which Research Institute's Genius?!

Not only the contestants, even Master Shi was stunned!

All these years, he had never heard of anyone who could be tied for first place with Yiying.

Old Master Wu continued to announce, "First place, Pei Yunge's team. Report 51, written exam… 40! Overall score 91!"

Instantly, the entire venue was in an uproar!!!

"Did I hear wrongly?? What's going on? Someone got full marks in the written exam?!"

"Damn, this team is so fierce! The written exam is so difficult, but their team actually got full marks?? Wang Huiying's team only got 32 marks!!"

"I heard that their team didn't know that there would be a written test at the start. They rushed it in the last hour…"


Everyone fell silent.

Their team completed almost three hundred questions in an hour??

One had to know that they had done it for several days! Even Wang Huiying's team had to do it for two whole days!!