We Have A Long Time In the Future; Wang Huiying Got Beaten

"Luo Xie, continue with your work."

With that said, Huo Shidu left with Pei Yunge.

However, in the car, Huo Shidu received a message from Luo Xie and data from the machine.

Luo Xie suggested that he bring her to his laboratory and investigate the cause of Pei Yunge's illness.

Huo Shidu's eyes were dark and unreadable. After a while, he put his phone back in his pocket.

Turning around, Huo Shidu saw Pei Yunge looking at him.

The machine she had bumped into just now affected brain activity through brainwaves. Pei Yunge's emotions were more or less affected and for a moment, she could not clear the dark thoughts in her mind.

Pei Yunge had just calmed down and was still thinking about how to speak to Huo Shidu.

However, she never thought that she would hear the man's magnetic voice ring for a moment. "Are we going back to Yun Cheng in two days?"