Older Brother Is Still Quite Nervous

Pei Yunge slowly regained her senses and saw a large group of students outside.

This was her first time experiencing the atmosphere of the college entrance examination.

"Do you want to go down and take a look?"

Huo Shidu asked from the side.

Pei Yunge nodded and the two of them got out of the car.

After Pei Yunge got out of the car, the gazes around quickly landed on Pei Yunge and Huo Shidu.

Especially Huo Shidu.

The man's aura was hard to ignore to begin with. Now that he was wearing an elegant tailored suit, he looked high and mighty.

Huo Shidu's well-defined hand held onto the long black umbrella. Taking care that Pei Yunge would not get too much sun, he took out a bottle of cold water from the car and pressed it against Pei Yunge's cheek.

This scene made everyone around them extremely envious!!!

Was there a mistake?!

They are being forced to watch people PDA at the college entrance examination venue?!