Master Pei Is Being Ruthless and Scumbag Will Be Finished!

Kong Kuojue looked up suddenly as his pupils constricted violently!

How was this possible?!

This Elder Young Miss of the Qin family was the boss of Higgins Corporation?!

Kong Kuojue felt as if his body was drenched in cold water. It was so shocking that his bones turned cold. He knew that he was doomed…

He had already offended the boss terribly.

"Nie Yu."

Pei Yunge licked her lips and considered her words carefully. "The moment I think that this lousy company is mine, I feel a little embarrassed."

However, Nie Yu started to be afraid.

Then who do you want to fire today?

Pei Yunge twirled the pen in her hand and suddenly laughed ambiguously. "I can't tell either. The company is quite entrenched in gender discrimination."

"Why? In the future, when the higher-ups of the company gather, can't I eat at the table?"

Hearing this, Nie Yu's legs almost turned weak. "N-No…"