Fans Screaming Throughout the Venue!!!

Pei Yunge replied immediately.

[Yungegege: Yes.]

Pei Yunge handed her account and password to Song Yao.

At this moment, Wang Kai, who had been rejected, laughed coldly as he crossed his arms and waited for Song Yao to embarrass herself.

The other actresses in the production team asked the eSports players on the spot and got someone to help them borrow an account.

Only Song Yao was extremely arrogant.

He wanted to see what low-level account Song Yao was planning to use.

Song Yao still didn't know what account she had and had never played with Pei Yunge.


Under Wang Kai's convincing, the rest of the production team borrowed the accounts of some players from small battle teams. They were not eye-catching.

No one was interested.

In the next second, Song Yao logged in obediently according to her account password.


A special entrance effect of a max-level account appeared on the screen.