God of Billions is Saying No, God of Billions is Here!!!

However, Dai Cheng was a little angry and wanted to kill Wang Kai first, but Kaka kept pestering him.

It was as if these two didn't want to win, but were deliberately trying to ruin the winning rate of the God of Billions.

They were disgusting.

And the mission God of Billions gave them was to win with Song Yao…

Seeing the God of Billions's chances of winning drop to 99%, the God of Billions' fans almost exploded. However, the person in the first row only looked at the screen calmly.

Song Yao's team still had a high chance of winning. It was currently 2: 1.

"Song Yao, if you can't do it, hide here." Dai Cheng did not forget to tell Song Yao.

Song Yao replied and could only deal with Wang Kai, who was sticking to her.

But ten minutes later.

No one expected Song Yao to suddenly become lucky. While Wang Kai was not paying attention, she used a skill and the two of them ended the competition.