Xiao Han Suffers a Lesson and Master Pei Loses Control

Xiao Han's face was also in pain as if it had been crushed. His facial features seemed to have been distorted as he stared at Pei Yunge in disbelief.


Before everyone could react, they saw Pei Yunge walking up again. She picked up Xiao Han's snow-white shirt collar and flung him against the wall as if she was throwing rubbish!

The sound of bone against the wall made one shiver.

Xiao Han howled in pain as he bent his waist and half-knelt. He looked up at Pei Yunge, his body trembling from the pain.

At this moment…

The girl stepped on his shoulder with her spotless shoe, easily making Xiao Han's face turn purple. It was as if he could hear the sound of bones moving.

Pei Yunge smirked, but there was no warmth in her eyes. "I forgot to tell you last time."

She bent down and grabbed his hair with one hand. "I don't like others talking about me."

Xiao Han's face paled and he did not dare to speak, but his lips were trembling.