What's the Difference Between A Brother Who Was Not Related by Blood And A Lover? Coaxing Him

With that said, Ceng Xu suddenly regained his senses and his body froze.

Wasn't Master Du… Pei Yunge's 'Brother'?

Previously, when Ceng Xu did not believe that Master Du would like Miss Pei, Ceng Yue had mocked him and said—

What was the difference between a brother who was not related by blood and a lover?

When Ceng Xu heard this theory, he was very worried that Ceng Yue would be careless and run to Master Du, unable to control her mouth.

However, he never thought that what Ceng Yue said would actually come true…

But now, the most unbelievable thing was that Miss Pei seemed to have more than one 'lover brother'.

"M-Master Du, I didn't mean that. I…" Ceng Xu was so anxious that his tongue was tied in a knot.

"Where's Su Yu?"

The man looked away and calmly tugged at his tie.

"In the private room," Zhou Yue said.

Huo Shidu turned around and walked towards the private room.