Don't Let Older Brother Wait For Nothing, Little Tyrant (Sweet)

Pei Yunge furrowed her eyebrows, as if she was not convinced even in her dream.

Huo Shidu seemed to find the little girl's reaction very interesting. He moved closer and the invasive aura around him became stronger…

Not far away, under Yue Chilin's gaze…

That dignified and handsome man suddenly bent down and kissed the girl's red lips.

The man's kiss was very light, but it was extremely seductive!

Pei Yunge's soft voice subconsciously made the man's eyes look even more strange.

The tip of his tongue gently licked Pei Yunge's lips and teeth, before he slowly captured the tip of her tongue, sucking it lingeringly.

Pei Yunge's eyelashes fluttered.

It was a light kiss that lasted less than half a minute, but the man's kiss made her look exceptionally lustful.

Huo Shidu's expression was calm, but his eyes darkened.