Qin Youjiao Seeking Death, Eldest Brother Strikes Her Face Ruthlessly

"Who do you think is to blame for this if she really has no manners?"

Qin Luyan's tone was cold.

Even Mr Qin had always been afraid of his eldest son.

Qin Luyan had always had a weak relationship and treated everyone the same. However, since some time ago, he started to care about Pei Yunge.

"Luyan, I was just angry for a moment. Ge'er pushed her mother just now…" Mr Qin muttered.

"Where did Ge'er get a mother from? Didn't we cut ties long ago?"

Qin Luyan's light words made Mrs Qin and Mr Qin's faces turn livid.

"Luyan, I-I just want to seek justice for Jiaojiao. It was Pei Yunge who schemed against her." Mrs Qin's eyes were red. She didn't understand why no one would listen to her when she was the flesh that had escaped from her stomach.

However, she did not dare to say anything harsh to Qin Luyan.

"Did I not make myself clear to you?"