The Graduation Banquet, Luo Xie: I Scolded My Idol

After the chat ended.

Pang Hu and the rest were also chatting privately.

[Hibernating Bear: I really didn't expect Max to make lame jokes.]

[Pang Hu: Yeah, I almost believed it too. What should I do, what should I give when I see Max's child??]

Xuan Yuan's eyelid twitched. He did not want to talk to these two nagging men anymore.

[Xuan Yuan: If you see Max, just shut up.]

Although they had been warned by Xuan Yuan, Pang Hu and the Hibernating Bear started to remember the ridiculous rumor when Max had just entered CI7…

When Max had just entered CI7, she had a debt of billions. She didn't know if she had returned it.

Why not just give Max some money??

For some reason, the big shots of CI7 believed deeply in Pei Yunge's debt work.
