Master Pei's Rumors Debunked, The Big Boss's Love of Planting Flowers

"Let me make it clear first. I don't like to eat bamboo shoots. Next time, you can dig some sweet potatoes for me," Pei Yunge suddenly said.

Xuan Yuan was speechless.

What was with this person??

Wasn't she looking down on CI7's financial ability??

Who would bring sweet potatoes and bamboo shoots to visit her?!

"My friend, believe me, no one can reject its temptation." Pang Hu revealed a strange and wretched smile.

Hearing this, Pei Yunge fell silent even more.

After a while, she said, "Pang Hu, let me tell you. It's illegal to gather obscene people here. If you take out a basket of messy tapes, I'll call the police immediately."

Pang Hu was speechless.

At last…

Pei Yunge followed them to the second floor with a suspicious gaze. The rest of the people felt that the friends this Elder Young Miss had were too strange.

It was obvious that they were not decent people.

In the lounge.