Direct Provocation, Third-rate Company

Many people present knew the first person to speak. She was the only daughter of the President of the Baner Corporation, Vera. She was also a famous socialite in Nili.

"Master Du, I'll get someone to settle it."

Zhou Yue furrowed his eyebrows and was about to press on his bluetooth earpiece to deal with these people when he was interrupted by Huo Shidu.

"There's no need."

Huo Shidu's slow voice confused Zhou Yue. "Huh?"

No need to settle it??

But wasn't Master Du always worried about Miss Pei? How could he bear to let Miss Pei suffer?

At this moment.

Huo Shidu looked at the person leaning lazily against the railing on stage and turned to walk down.

The smile on his peach blossom eyes was lazy and light as he replied slowly, "They provoked Pei Yunge."

Zhou Yue did not understand what this meant, but Ceng Xu did.

Master Du wanted to use these people to establish Miss Pei's prestige.