I'm Going to Cause Trouble. Yun University's First Humiliation

Hai Ning decided that even if she was going to embarrass herself, she would drag someone down with her.

However, the student who was ranked second in the country did not say anything. His language level was indeed not good.

"But even if she got full marks for the English paper, it's impossible for her to go off-script at the last minute." Wei Jinmin frowned.

Hai Ning said with a smile, "I can go off-script paragraph by paragraph. My partner just has to translate it. Don't worry, I won't say too much at once."

"Is there a new student who got full marks for the English essay paper this year?"

With that said…

Even the person who spoke suddenly remembered the top scorer of this year's college entrance examination.

She was the true king of the top students.

"Then go and look for Pei Yunge from the Physics Department!"