Master Du Is Flirting, Ostracizing Master Pei?

"Master Du hasn't been here in a long time. Why don't we have a meal together this time?"

Someone asked with a smile.

"I just picked up this girl from school. I'm afraid she has already eaten." The man's tone was light and natural.

These words attracted the envy of countless people!

Master Du was different from the rest. Be it his appearance or ability, he was the top partner that women were crazy about!

There were many women who wanted to climb up through this man, but who dared to pluck this high and mighty flower?!

The other women looked at Pei Yunge with indignation.

How could a little girl who was still in university have the right to pull a man like President Huo off his pedestal?

Not long after…

Suddenly, a pretty girl with inexperienced eyes was pushed out.

Under everyone's gaze, the girl believed the words of another woman and reached out to Pei Yunge nervously.

"Hello, I'm Qian Qiao."