Y.G.'s Application for Collaboration and the Big Boss Is Causing Trouble Today

President Ma's sneer froze. His pupils constricted as he stared blankly at the words on the screen—

A recommendation for collaboration on an experimental project.

Applicant: Y.G.

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Employed Unit: A.M. Computing Institute

Main achievements: Fellow of the Academy of Engineering in Country A, K.Z Busaka Computing Prize, Farizk Mathematics Prize…

President Ma almost threw the mouse away. He suddenly jumped up from his chair, his face filled with fear!

What was this??

President Ma's thoughts were in a mess and he felt that his brain was not enough!


Was it that scientific researcher Y.G. who had to sign a confidentiality agreement every time she met someone??


How could Y.G. only be… 21 years old?!

President Ma's face paled a little, but he suddenly understood why the higher-ups valued this person so much and even spent so much effort just to protect her…