The True Elder Young Miss Is Busy With Carrying On the Torch, Master Du Is Helping

Pei Yunge froze. She didn't know when Lin Lanjun found out about this either.

Then, she slowly pulled away and laughed. "Okay."

When she let go of her, a man in his thirties or forties suddenly said, "Miss Pei."

Pei Yunge turned around and heard him say, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Teacher Lin too."


It was only then that Pei Yunge realized that this was the heir of the He family, He Jun.

After Lin Lanjun took the initiative to petition to go to the front line, the He family was so happy that they couldn't wait to burn incense. However, they never thought that He Jun's life idol would be Lin Lanjun.

He even followed her to R Nation without hesitation.


After seeing Lin Lanjun board the plane, the smile on Pei Yunge's face gradually faded.

A reporter beside her said excitedly, "You're the Elder Young Miss of the Qin family? You're also YUN?? Can I interview you?"
