The Old and New Gods Fight!

In the evening.

The members of the R Nation's virus laboratory had a meeting.

"What does this mean? Does everyone think that this research and development needs someone who has retired for more than twenty years to lead?"

The person who spoke was Silver, who had just worn a khaki coat. She was in her forties but was beautiful and charming.

She was the winner of this year's Jens Biology Prize and the second female winner after Lin Lanjun.

So everyone fell silent.

This was a fight between the old and new gods!!!

Many experts did not say anything, but their eyes were burning with gossip.

Fight, fight!

"Silver, we don't have much time. I don't want everyone to spend their energy on such boring things." One of the experts reminded the other onlookers.

"Yeah, our mission is more important," someone agreed.

Didn't they have a meeting the moment they arrived to save every minute and second?