Master Pei Stirred Up Trouble and Bo Jinqiao Was Abused!


Pei Yunge called out and Alas walked towards her. After being caressed and comforted by Pei Yunge, it whimpered dejectedly.

"Be good."

Pei Yunge coaxed it softly. After seeing Alas's burning wound, the coldness in her eyes deepened.

She found a hotel manager and brought Alas to treat the burn before she glanced at Bo Jinqiao.

As for the rest of the people, seeing that the atmosphere was tense, they swallowed a mouthful of saliva and only wanted to escape from hell…

On the other hand, Bo Jinqiao's first reaction was that she was afraid of Pei Yunge. However, at the thought of the hatred between her and Pei Yunge, she only smiled.

"Miss Pei, I'm really sorry. I heard that this is your dog? In that case, I'll pay for all the dog's medical fees."

"Medical fees?"

Pei Yunge snorted softly, but everyone shivered inexplicably.