Arrogant Little Genius VS Demon King

Wang Guanchen's expression darkened.

"Pei. Yun. Ge." These three words were squeezed out from between his teeth eerily.

Pei Yunge slowly raised an eyebrow and continued to add fuel to the fire. "Are you used to eating at Yun University? Won't Student Wang have difficulty digesting it?"

She was mocking Wang Guanchen's family for being addicted to freeloading and stabbing people where it hurt.

Pei Yunge put down her chopsticks and left with her plate. "Eat slowly."

Song Yao and the rest left as well.

At this moment.

Wang Guanchen's expression was already dark as he knocked over his plate angrily and kicked the table ruthlessly, causing a moment of silence and commotion in the canteen.

However, no one dared to go up and talk to her.


In the afternoon.